Dexter Yang – Non-profit Sustainable Development Leadership Awardee
Founder-Executive Director, GoodGovPH Inc.
For over three years, Dexter deeply involved himself in the Childrens’ Museum and Library, Inc. (CMLI) – an NGO advocating for youth empowerment. This experience has aspired him where the youth lead the change in society through leadership skills, talents, and advocacy.
He took up Public Administration in U.P. Diliman and learned about good governance. He took a special course on the localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and realized the need for good governance and sound policy to carry out the 2030 Agenda.
In 2018 — with the power of youth, good governance, and sustainable development, they have led and became the driving force to reconvene the Philippine Good Governance Summit. They have summoned over 150 youth leaders nationwide to willingly participate and discuss the youth’s role in right’s based governance and sustainable development. “With the passage of the SK Reform Law, we witnessed newly elected youth leaders committing to lead the enactment of local policies and programs for sustainable development,” Dexter said. This inspiring movement motivated him to continue his initiative in establishing GoodGovPH along with his colleagues before graduating college.
For Dexter, seeing their community members learning, growing, and leading their respective organizations and communities, has been his greatest achievement. Their involvement in engaging their local government to lobby for youth development policies plus the implementation of these practices is their fulfillment as youth leaders themselves.
A Sustainable Philippines is a country where good governance is the norm. It is where good governance is both an individual and collective responsibility, where citizens are empowered to promote a more transparent, accountable, and responsive governance for sustainable development.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who actively works to enact climate-responsive policies, promote equality-equity, and accountability in the US — has been his influence as one of the good governance and sustainability advocates. Someone, we can look up to as well!
And if you’re an aspiring youth leader, here are wise words from Dexter himself,
Let’s keep moving forward! Continue to collaborate and work with our community members in pursuing development goals. For fellow young people, let’s use our creativity, skills, and talents in responding to the needs of the community. We’re never too young to lead the change!
From then on, working with hundreds of hopeful youth leaders all around the country, Dexter — together with his colleagues — proved that in the Filipino youth, we have hope for a brighter future where they can be the champion of good governance and sustainable society we’re aiming for.
Connect with Dexter on his Facebook
Check out GoodGovPH and join their online community!
Meet the 8 Leaders in the 1st Sustainability Leadership Awards
Sustainability UNPLUGGED 2021 is the inaugural summit of SustainablePH, Society of Sustainability Practitioners, SustainablePH Youth, and Christian + Collective, where we brought together sustainability champions in various sectors into a half-day gathering to unplug and celebrate with the nation’s growing sustainability community.
Edited by: Gift Adore
Photo Header by: Giulia Lopez
About Post Author
Crisyll Torres
Admin and Partnerships Head of SustainablePH
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