From Passion to Purpose
New years open for us a floodgate of opportunities – to restart, refocus and recalibrate our lives. Reports have shown that the pandemic had resulted to “the great resignation” with many looking for an alternative way to live their lives according to what truly matters.
For this year, 2022, I will be starting “Sustain!” – my bootcamp training for sustainability leadership as part of Learn2Lead by SustainablePH. I would like to share snippets of Sustain! that may help you!
For the month of January – I would to focus on MOVING FROM OUR PASSION TO OUR PURPOSE.
We are passionate about many things that perhaps, we are also skilled or talented in.
Is pursuing our passion the best guide in finding our north star?
While pursuing our passions may be good, I find that my passions are fleeting. Passion is a strong feeling about something we are excited about. And these can change quickly – we know how unreliable our feelings can be.
What I realized that sustains me is finding and pursuing my purpose. Purpose, on the other hand, is our reason of being.
Here are some tips on how to find your purpose, as it has helped me find mine.

1. Be Open
We have assumptions of what we like, who we are, what we can or cannot do. We were told these things since we were born – a cumulative result of everything we believe we are. Now, some may be true, but some may not be true. The first step is break free from all these assumptions we ‘ve made for ourselves and simply sit still – without judgement – be open to the possibilities. Our limitations start with our mind or belief systems which we have accepted that may or may not be helping us find our true selves.
Notepad: Write down everything you believe about yourself: what you can do, what you cannot do, what you were told you were good at and what you were told you were not. Then, let go of those beliefs. Sit still every morning and be open to get to know who you truly are – without the expectations or set limitations.

2. Listen Actively
We are surrounded by noise – created around us and created by us. Many of us have become so accustomed to sound that we feel uncomfortable with silence. In my personal journey, what I found to be one of the best ways to seek direction in critical areas of my life, especially when it is about decisions that require wisdom and not simply knowledge, is to simply immerse myself in silence and listen actively to that still, small voice inside. As a believer in Christ, I adhered to HIS words – seek and your shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you. I learned that prayer or meditation is not about me talking but about me listening – to God and to our soul, which is constantly seeking its way home.
Notepad: Develop a habit to meditate in the morning and listen actively to what your soul is saying. When you feel strongly about something, write it down – just to take note or simply ponder on. Listen and do not act just yet.

3. Accept Wholeheartedly
When the student is ready, the teacher shows up. You may have heard this many times before. I think the teacher is always there but it is when the student is ready that lessons are recognized and accepted wholeheartedly. Only then can the lesson do its purpose, which is to teach the student.
Notepad: During your quiet times, you will discover many things about yourself – your strengths or weaknesses, your mindsets, your pre-set beliefs, and even unrecognized emotions. It is important to accept that they all exist while it is also critical that we accept new directions wholeheartedly. Sadly, what obstructs us from finding our purpose is our very own rejection of who we are, our talents, our potentials and our inner voice.

4. Understand Why
A high-school student once asked, what course he should take for college. Advice varies according to motivations – by potential earnings, hobbies, or what their parents expect of them. But I recently learned that there is another way we could go about this question.
Ask yourself what would you want to do to make this world slightly better. Then, you will begin to understand why you are who you are, why you are drawn to do certain things and why they matter not only to you but to those around you as well.
Notepad: We are not an island. We were created to be part of a whole ecosystem of God's creation. When we understand why we were created the way we are, then it is easier to recognize the talents and skills that were bestowed upon us to help us become the best version of ourselves.

5. Articulate Your Purpose
The good book says that out of the abundance of our heart, the mouth speaks. Once everything is crystal in our hearts and minds, in is inevitable that we will articulate who we are, why we are and why we do the work we believe we are drawn to do. Articulating is not only by words but also by action. Our purpose is about the value we create – not only for ourselves but for the world around us. It is like leaving our imprint in this world – an imprint that is uniquely ours – which plays its role in the grander play called life.
Notepad: Write your purpose and hang it on a wall where you can see it everyday. Read it to yourself everyday. When you make decisions or are faced with choices, your purpose will guide you which road to take. Soon, your inner and outer voice will be one. Then, there is peace and integrity in who you are inside and out.
About Post Author
Koleen Davila-Palaganas
Vice President for Sustainability at SM Investments Corporation, Asia’s Sustainability Superwoman Awardee, GRI Global Stakeholder Council Member, Board Member of Child Hope Philippines.
Koleen Davila-Palaganas
Vice President for Sustainability at SM Investments Corporation, Asia’s Sustainability Superwoman Awardee, GRI Global Stakeholder Council Member, Board Member of Child Hope Philippines. http://koleendavila.com
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