Humans of Sustainability: Althea’s Purpose-Driven Career-Switch
Humans of Sustainability: Althea's Purpose-Driven Career-Switch
The mantra Althea lives by is one that she found while working in Makati in 2019—“leave this world a little better than you found it.”
Althea Serad is an environmentalist who took the road less traveled.
Althea has always been driven with purpose, she originally did sales and marketing for an e-commerce company that helped Filipino entrepreneurs grow in their craft. After constant reflection when the pandemic struck, however, Althea came to realize that she wanted her line of work to reflect her primary advocacy—sustainability. This realization is what spurred her to join Haribon Foundation, a non-profit organization that she has volunteered and applied for in previous years, where she now works as the Corporate Relations Officer.
Now that an opportunity came my way, I knew that this is the space for me. I wanted to use my skills and energy to help our planet, and I knew I’d make a bigger impact working for a non-profit with a mission to protect and conserve biodiversity,” - Althea
Althea’s switch to a non-profit foundation is not a choice that many would easily make, but she believes that this change in her life isn’t particularly life-changing or surprising. After all, for the longest time, her passion for nature and the protection of the environment has always been an important part of her life. Working for Haribon Foundation is simply coming home to a passion that she has always kept close to her heart. As a child, her love for nature is what sustained her. In adulthood, her drive to protect nature is what motivates her.
Cliche as it may sound, I do want to leave this world a better place than when I found it.” - Althea
Making the world a better place is never an easy task, nor is it a task that she herself believed was possible three years ago. But now that Althea is given the chance to pursue her advocacy through her line of work, this goal is no longer too far from her reach.
Humans of Sustainability consists of inspiring stories and experiences from #FeaturedLeaders of the Society of Sustainability Practitioners community. #FeaturedLeaders by SustainablePH aims to showcase Filipino sustainability leaders who have made a mark in the journey of sustainability.
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