New Media in Communicating Sustainability
TV shows, news programs, and articles in newspapers. These are the traditional “mass” media we usually utilize in our daily lives.
Now that technology has improved, we tend to be updated in real-time. Online telecasts, vlogs, blogs, and podcasts – these “new” media sources paved the way for us to listen, watch, and learn new things anytime and anywhere.
But is it possible to integrate sustainability into new media? Let’s listen and jive into our AMA#5, hosted by our very own, Jonas Marie Dumdum.

AMA 05 with Christopher Klein “CK” Asinas
Meet Christopher Klein Asinas, also known as CK. He is a tech business professional and a sustainability advocate. He is currently a Social Impact Renewal Manager at Oracle NetSuite and a former Business Development Executive at two local fintech startups serving underserved markets.
He co-created SUSTAINARUMBLE!, the first podcast that explores issues on sustainable development in the Philippines. He has been actively engaged in various tech and business initiatives, projects, and athletics in his spare time.
How would you define new media and how is podcasting a part of new media?
New media is a new and kind of broad topic because of the numerous platforms that pop out every day. According to CK, New Media is a new form of broadcasting information to a greater public through digital platforms that offer more dynamic access than traditional media. Dynamic in the sense that it provides flexibility and versatility.
Imagine that you can listen, watch, or read anywhere and any time of the day. You can even rewind or fast-forward it depending on you. New Media empowers individuals to showcase their content where they don’t need to franchise, build, or have a contract with big companies. We don’t even need to apply or enroll for a short course to start your content creation. You just need to sign up and set up your account, and you’re good to go.
But as CK said, it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional media since both of them were useful and have their purpose, which caters to a specific target audience.
Podcasting is part of new media because, unlike radio, it can provide on-demand accessibility. You can browse even the oldest content, and listen to it any time of the day you want to. Podcast also provides a variety of topics that will catch your interest.
How did you come up with the name "SUSTAINARUMBLE!" for your podcast?
Going back from the start, they did a lot of research. From different phonetics, a play of words, and they even went to more science-y and technical words, but it came down to the word RUMBLE.
“Rumble, as in sa mga wrestling. Bardagulan, rambulan. But with the words of Mr. Ed Caluwag, ‘di kami nandito para makipag-away’. We are just here to essentially put things into [the] spotlight… because I believe discussions about sustainability have been so exclusive only for the practitioners, academe, and development institutions that sort of leaves out the general public in the process. But we all know that it concerns the general public, right?” CK proudly shared.
Pushing these discussions into the frame is what they aim for this channel. Shedding their audience some light and building awareness while lessening the intimidating part, especially since sustainability might be an overwhelming word for others. Apart from sustainability, they also talked about other socio-economic issues.
SUSTAINARUMBLE! is a proud pioneering member of the Stakeholders’ Chamber on the Sustainable Development Goals by the Philippine National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). Their first episode aired in June 2020 entitled “Sustainability: Nakakain ba ‘yan?”
What’s your favorite part of creating a podcast?
There are lots of things that are noteworthy for him but if he will choose one, it would be creating an episode. He remembered that when everyone was in the game mode to start the channel, they realized that they had zero experience in editing. Oh no! Therefore, he needs to learn audio editing.
With that, CK pushed himself to become competent in audio editing and the world of podcasting. Different editing apps, technical terms, and how the production works. That’s where they started.
The most exhilarating part for him is putting the people at the center and serving them as inspiration. Regardless of his lack of ability, sharing the word out there is their goal. It’s not perfect, especially in the first few episodes, yet, that pushes them to do, learn, and continue.
“Luckily, we are now in a better place,” he happily said.
Tell us more about CPPN
One of the contributing factors in improving SUSTAINARUMBLE! is their production partner, the Cut Print Podcast Network. He thanked them for their success in their input in refining their content. SUSTAINARUMBLE! was acquired by CPPN last May 2021.
CPPN helped them a lot in creating finer and more digestive content, especially since sustainability might be a mind-boggling or boring topic to some. It also has a lot of amazing podcast channels under its wings that discuss various categories such as technology, education, adulting, and, of course, sustainability.
What is your favorite episode in the podcast so far?
A question from his co-host, Shawntel Nieto.
For CK, his favorite episode was the Rail Transport Episode entitled Episode 9: Riles is the Realest with Undersecretary Timothy John “TJ” Batan from DOTr. Aside from the holistic discussion, transportation, in general, is adamant for him. He, himself, experienced the exhausting commuting here in the Philippines. Through that episode, he saw the importance of discussing commuting and car ownership in our country.
He also mentioned that if there’s a chance that they will have another conversation, he will gladly do it in a heartbeat.
What general feedback do you receive from your listeners?
“Different general feedback but nice and heartfelt.” There’s a lot of good and encouraging feedback from their listeners. They mostly received that the episodes were sort of professionally produced even for him, at the back of his head, he thinks it was not that perfect.
They are looking forward to receiving more feedback to improve further. This feedback fueled the fire for him to continue.
Microphones 101: Tips from CK
If you will start a podcast, here’s a tip from CK himself. If you do not have at least a P 3,000 – P 5,000 budget, you can start with your earphone mic. He also advised that you must go for wired earphones. Do not rely on wireless earphones/earbuds because typically, these have low-quality microphones. They are built for listening and not intended for speaking.
If you have the budget, go for quality microphones that range from P 5,000 and above. We have two types of microphones: Dynamic and Condenser microphones.
A Dynamic Mic is used for loud spaces. It is supposed to generate sounds even in loud areas. If you’re in a busy area or you don’t have a soundproof room, this is highly recommended.
While the Condenser Microphone is for studio types areas. They are utilized in a soundproof area especially without echo because this type of microphone can capture every inch of sound in a particular facility. However, this is pricier compared to dynamic microphones.
Place the microphone at the top of your chin and not directly or in front of your mouth and/or underneath your nose to avoid air/breathing noises. It will be difficult to remove breathing sounds.
What’s your favorite thing about SUSTAINARUMBLE!?
“Kayo. Kayo ni Shawntel,” CK and Jonas heartily laughed. Kidding aside, he truly appreciates them. Despite the busy schedule, they still allot time to continuously produce content and connect with their community.
“We were given a platform… to speak our truths,” CK answered. To influence other people through the given platform they have and being the beacon of information and facts that influence more budding changemakers in the sustainability sector, that’s a fulfilling task for him.
Any advice to sustainability practitioners who wanted to set up a podcast?
“Rule of thumb, know your truth and speak it,” CK advised. He shared that we must have the capacity to speak our truths. With that, validate, and research further on your topic of interest. There are a lot of free resources available. You just need to choose what suits you best.
Always be responsible with what you say and release online. Given the audience’s reach, whatever you say, you can either make or break someone. In this world of misinformation, don’t be a fake news purveyor.
If you think you can’t produce it, just do it. If you’re passionate about it, give yourself room for new learnings. Planning, producing, and editing might be weary tasks but they must not shake your goal. Find a way to fill what you lack to fulfill your advocacy. You have the capacity. You have the platform. Take advantage of it!
If you want to say about a certain topic or an issue, always know that you have the platform. You have the capacity to speak the truth. But remember, like I said, always be responsible for whatever you’re saying or releasing online. Because given its reach, whatever you say can become a bible passage for a lot of people.” - CK
You can watch and listen to CK’s full interview at AMA #5
Stream SUSTAINARUMBLE! on Spotify and Apple Podcast!
Join the discussion by following SUSTAINARUMBLE! on their social media:
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And if you’re a practitioner and/or professional looking to grow your skills, network, and career in sustainability, join the Society of Sustainability Practitioners (SSP) — the country’s first association of sustainability professionals nationwide. You may apply to be a member through SSP’s registration form. We’ll see you there!
Edited by: Jonas Marie Dumdum
Photo Header by: Crisyll Torres
About Post Author
Crisyll Torres
Admin and Partnerships Head of SustainablePH
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